editYou can link to any block in the document that has an ID — an
identifier before the block which is wrapped in double
square brackets: [[ID]]
[[para-id]] This paragraph can be linked to using the ID `para-id`.
When you need to combine an ID with a style, you can either specify each on a separate line:
[[note-id]] [NOTE] =============================== This note can be linked to using the ID `note-id`. ===============================
or in one line:
["NOTE",id="note-id"] =============================== This note can be linked to using the ID `note-id`. ===============================
Both of the above render as:
The ID
is added to the HTML document as an <a>
and, as explained in Controlling chunking, the ID
is used as the
filename for sections which are chunked — written to
separate HTML files.
Internal links
editYou can link to any ID within a document using double angle brackets:
Example 6. Links with default link text
* <<setup>> * <<structure>>
It will use the title associated with each ID as the link text.
Alternative link text can be provided as a second parameter inside the angle brackets:
Example 7. Links with custom link text
See the <<note-id,note about IDs>>.
See the note about IDs.
External links
editLinks to external websites can just be added as normal inline text, optionally with custom link text in square brackets:
Example 8. External links
See or[this repository]
The existence of external links is not confirmed by the build process.
Cross document links
editLinks to other Elastic books are essentially the same as external links. However, for conciseness and maintainability, you should use an attribute to represent the absolute URL of the docs.
If possible, use attributes defined in the shared attributes file to resolve links:
Example 9. Using shared attributes for cross-document linking
= My Book Title # Use this if your repo is versioned with the Elastic stack: include::{docs-root}/shared/versions/stack/{source_branch}.asciidoc[] # Or use this to alway point to the most recent version of the stack include::{docs-root}/shared/versions/stack/current.asciidoc[] # Either way, you'll want to include a reference to the attributes file # which builds the links from the versions. include::{docs-root}/shared/attributes.asciidoc[] Here is a link to the {ref}/search.html[search page]
The main benefit of using attributes for cross document links is
that, when the docs for an old version contain links that
no longer exist in the current
branch, you can update
all the links in the document to point to the older version,
by just updating a single attribute.
Cross document links are checked when build_docs
run with the --all
parameter. See Building all of the Elastic docs.