

Bullet points


Bullet point lists are written using asterisks:

Example 10. Bullet points

.Optional title
* Point
* Point
** Sub-point
*** Sub-sub-point
* [ ] TODO
* [x] Done
* A point can have multiple paragraphs
But use a `+` instead of an empty line between paras.

An empty line signifies the end of the list.

Optional title

  • Point
  • Point

    • Sub-point

      • Sub-sub-point
  • ❏ TODO
  • ✓ Done
  • A point can have multiple paragraphs

    But use a + instead of an empty line between paras

An empty line signifies the end of the list.

For more information, see

Ordered lists


Ordered lists use . instead of *, and will alternate between numbers and letters automatically:

Example 11. An ordered list

.Optional title
. foo
.. bar
... baz
.... balloo

Optional title

  1. foo

    1. bar

      1. baz

        1. balloo

For more information, see

Definition lists


Definition lists are used to define terms. The term must be followed by a double colon :: eg:

Example 12. A vertical definition list

term one::      Definition for term one
term two::
                Can start on the next line
term three::    A definition can have multiple
paragraphs, but use `+` to separate them

term four:::    Definitions can be nested
                by adding more colons
term five::     A definition can even include
                * point one
                * point two
term one
Definition for term one
term two
Can start on the next line
term three

A definition can have multiple

paragraphs, but use + to separate them

term four
Definitions can be nested by adding more colons
term five

A definition can even include lists:

  • point one
  • point two

Horizontal definition lists


Often definition lists are better rendered horizontally, eg:

Example 13. A horizontal definition list

term one::      Definition for term one
term two::
                Can start on the next line
term three::    A definition can have multiple
paragraphs, but use `+` to separate them

term four:::    Definitions can be nested
                by adding more colons
term five::     A definition can even include
                * point one
                * point two

term one

Definition for term one

term two

Can start on the next line

term three

A definition can have multiple

paragraphs, but use + to separate them

term four
Definitions can be nested by adding more colons

term five

A definition can even include lists:

  • point one
  • point two