editAny images you want to include should be saved in a folder
in your repo, and included using a path relative
to the document where the image::
statement appears.
[[cat]] .A scaredy cat image::resources/readme/cat.jpg[Alt text] A link to <<cat>>

A link to Figure 1, “A scaredy cat”.
Width and height
editThe width
and/or height
of the image can be
specified in pixels or as a percentage:
image::resources/readme/cat.jpg["Alt text",width=50] image::resources/readme/cat.jpg["Alt text",width="20%"]

editImages are left-aligned by default, but they can be centred or right-aligned:
image::resources/readme/cat.jpg["Alt text",width=100,align="left"] image::resources/readme/cat.jpg["Alt text",width=100,align="right"] image::resources/readme/cat.jpg["Alt text",width=100,align="center"]

editScreenshots get extra margins and a box-shadow:

You can activate it with:
[role="screenshot"] image::resources/readme/screenshot.png[A screenshot example]
editSVGs are also supported. Just use them like you would any other image:
image::resources/readme/example.svg[An example svg]
Which looks like:
Image links
editYou can add relative or absoloute links to your images with the following syntax:
Using internal link attributes is also supported, but the image must be inside the internal link syntax. It’s important to add a space on each side of the image tag. Without spaces, the image will not render.
<<configuration-dynamic, image:./images/dynamic-config.svg[] >>