Beta, Dev, and Preview (experimental)
editBeta, Dev, and Preview (experimental)
editAPIs or parameters that are in beta, in development, or in technical preview (formerly experimental) can be marked as such, using markup similar to that used in Additions and deprecations.
In the block format, you have the option of adding a related GitHub issue link.
If both custom text and a GitHub link are provided, the GitHub link must be
provided second. If it’s supported in your repo, you can use the {issue}
attribute in place of the GitHub issue link.
Using the beta
edit[[new-beta-feature]] === New beta feature beta::[] beta::[] beta::[{issue}505] beta::["Custom text goes here."] beta::["Custom text goes here.",] beta::["Custom text goes here.",{issue}505] Text about new feature... [[old-beta-feature]] === Established feature This feature has been around for a while, but we're adding a new parameter that's in beta: `established_param`:: This param has been around for ages and won't change. `beta_param`:: beta:[] This param is in beta and may change in the future. `beta_param`:: beta:["Custom text goes here."] This param is in beta and may change in the future.
Using the dev
edit[[new-dev-feature]] === New feature in development dev::[] dev::[] dev::[{issue}505] dev::["Custom text goes here."] dev::["Custom text goes here.",] dev::["Custom text goes here.",{issue}505] Text about feature in development... [[old-dev-feature]] === Established feature This feature has been around for a while, but we're adding a new parameter that's in development: `established_param`:: This param has been around for ages and won't change. `dev_param`:: dev:[] This param is in development and may change in the future. `dev_param`:: dev:["Custom text goes here."] This param is in development and may change in the future.
Using the experimental
editExperimental language is deprecated.
We decided on the much less raw sounding "technical preview".
See below.
Using the technical preview
edit[[new-feature]] === New feature in technical preview preview::[] preview::[] preview::[{issue}505] preview::["Custom text goes here."] preview::["Custom text goes here.",] preview::["Custom text goes here.",{issue}505] Text about new feature... [[old-feature]] === Established feature This feature has been around for a while, but we're adding a new preview parameter: `established_param`:: This param has been around for ages and won't change. `experimental_param`:: preview:[] This param is in technical preview and may change in the future. `experimental_param`:: preview:["Custom text goes here."] This param is in technical preview and may change in the future.