Tabbed widgets
editTabbed widgets
editImprove the usability of your docs by adding tabbed widgets.
These handy widgets let you conditionally display content based on the selected tab.
Best of all, tabbed widgets listen to each other – all widgets on the same page and with the same data-tab-group
will change content when any tab on the page is selected.
How do they work? I’m glad you asked.
Tabbed widgets use HTML passthrough blocks to pass raw HTML into the build.
Because of this hack, you must use include::
statements to render content within a tabbed widget.
Here’s an example:
++++ <div class="tabs" data-tab-group="custom-tab-group-name"> <div role="tablist" aria-label="Human readable name of tab group"> <button role="tab" aria-selected="true" aria-controls="cloud-tab-config-agent" id="cloud-config-agent"> Tab #1 title </button> <button role="tab" aria-selected="false" aria-controls="self-managed-tab-config-agent" id="self-managed-config-agent" tabindex="-1"> Tab #2 title </button> </div> <div tabindex="0" role="tabpanel" id="cloud-tab-config-agent" aria-labelledby="cloud-config-agent"> ++++ // You must use a tagged region for Asciidoc content to render. For example: // include::content.asciidoc[tag=central-config] ++++ </div> <div tabindex="0" role="tabpanel" id="self-managed-tab-config-agent" aria-labelledby="self-managed-config-agent" hidden=""> ++++ // You must use a tagged region for Asciidoc content to render. For example: // include::content.asciidoc[tag=reg-config] ++++ </div> </div> ++++
Any tabbed widgets on the same page and with the same name will sync tabs when switched |
Only one tab should have aria-selected set to true. This tab will be selected by default |
The |
The |
All unselected tabs must have a |
// tag::central-config[] This is where the content for tab #1 goes. // end::central-config[] // tag::reg-config[] This is the content for tab #2 goes. // end::reg-config[]