

A paragraph consists of multiple lines of text which start in the left hand column:

This is a paragraph
even though it contains
line breaks.

This is a second paragraph.

Paragraph titles


Like most elements, a paragraph can have a title:

Example 1. Paragraph with a title

.Paragraph title
Text of my paragraph

Paragraph titleText of my paragraph

Admonition paragraphs


A paragraph which starts with TIP:, NOTE:, IMPORTANT:, WARNING: or CAUTION: is rendered as an admonition paragraph, eg:

NOTE: Compare admonition paragraphs with <<admon-blocks>>.

This renders as:

Compare admonition paragraphs with Admonition blocks.

Literal paragraphs


Literal paragraphs, which are rendered as <pre> blocks without any source highlighting, must be indented:

Example 2. A literal paragraph

.Optional title

    This para must
    be indented
This para must
be indented

See also Code blocks for blocks with syntax highlighting.