Multi-part books


Multi-part books


Books may also be divided into multiple parts, which are indicated with level 0 headers:

= Book title                // level 0

= Part title                // level 0

== Chapter title            // level 1

=== Section title           // level 2

... etc ...

Each part also creates a new chunk or HTML file.

Part intro


A part may include text before the first chapter, but it must be marked with [partintro] in order to be valid:

= Book title                // level 0

= Part one                  // level 0

A paragraph introducing this Part

== Chapter title            // level 1

... etc ...

Longer partintro blocks should be wrapped in an open block which starts and ends with two dashes: --:

= Part two                  // level 0

.A partintro title
This section may contain multiple paragraphs.

== A header should use [discrete]

Everything up to the closing -- marker
will be considered part of the partintro.

== Chapter title           // level 2

... etc ...

The open block delimiters